Monday, October 10, 2011

wilson, the distinguished writer

i have been very busy polishing my writing skills, friends. my parables of lindsay lohan are being honored to the highest regards. just yesterday i submitted my first article to the dirty and to my delight my literary work was featured today! after winning a sidekick in x17's caption content, and even though x17 severely butchered my entry, i am beginning to feel like a very distinguished writer. move over bret easton ellis & dr. seuss, wilson has arrived on the scene.

what you you think of my above theory on Lindsay Lohan?

that's me in blue below! - wilson of montrose!

sigh...... it should have read according to genius of my original entry:
lindsay: hey ali, remember mean girls?
ali: no.

but who can complain with this sweet sidekick sitting on my desk, too bad i don't have thumbs.
text, you later, bitches!

Friday, September 2, 2011

i see blood

hi friends! you do know how i love a good party!

so i was thrilled when that little ding went off on my computer to let me know i had received a facebook invite, to a gothic party, none the less.

i decided to be a polite guest and conjure up a little something for the lady of the night.

what do you think of my gift for the birthday gal? (fyi i took the pictures before the addition of rhinestones)

and best gift award, goes to, wilson! right right?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 lovers. 1 wilson.

sorry friends, i have not posted in a while, with my recent popularity i stumbled upon the fortunate situation, the never before chance to play two ladies at once, i tell you it's a full time least the benefits are good.

here & here

who do you love more?